Water Contamination in Lancashire – Open Water Swimming?

A parasite called Cryptosporidium has been found in water supplies in Lancashire and people are having to boil water before they can even drink it. United Utilities, are responsible for water supply in the affected areas of Blackpool, Chorley, Fylde, Preston, South Ribble, Wyre and the Mellor area of Blackburn.
Today, BBC Radio Lancashire spoke with Blackpool born swimmer Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE, about contamination in areas of open water as well as speaking with her about her swims over the years. Julie also reveals an infectious disease (Fishtank Granuloma) nearly ended her swimming career – mycobacterium marinum also found in open water and there have been outbreaks of it in swimming pools, when chlorine does not kill it
Listen here as Julie speaks with Brett Davidson on 1th August 2015