SwimRun Workshop, Bosworth Water Park, Saturday 13th May

Get Set 4 Swimrun Camps and Workshops are held in order to improve your performance in a new yet ever-growing, popular sport which originated in Sweden. It is about combining your open water swimming and running together and ‘bringing’ your kit with you! It will be run by Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE and Mike Alexander both experts in their field.
The first workshop of the season is to be held at Bosworth water Park on Saturday 13th May. It is suitable for complete beginners to Swimrun, as well as swimrunners who want to improve their skills and meet likeminded people. Whether you’ve already entered a Swimrun event or you just want to try it out, then this is for you. To get the most out of this course please make sure that you have previous open water swimming experience and that you can swim continuously for 1km. Please contact us if you are unsure about anything.
Check out the list of events at Bosworth Water Park, NOWCA Lake and one of the homes of Open Water Swim Coaching