NEW Online Swim Coach listing in 220 Tri Magazine

“There’s a boat on a lake. It’s an ordinary looking boat, blue and white. However, its owner isn’t ordinary…”
It was with delight that Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE, from Get Set 4 Success Ltd, has been chosen amongst a few swim coaches in the country to feature in the new ONLINE listing for professional and suitable qualified swim coaches.
Julie, who has been involved coaching open water swimming now for decades, as well as breaking many records in long distance and Channel swimming, said she was over the moon to be asked to join this new venture with 220 Triathlon Magazine.
“I have a wonderful Team here at Get Set 4 Swimming, including Jim Kersey a GB triathlete and coach and other great people who all make sure swimmers receive the best, whatever open water swim discipline. It’s the combination of 75 years’ experience in swimming that makes us different and all the learning is done in a fun, safe environment.”