Julie Bradshaw Court Case Win Against Channel Swimming Association

It is with great pleasure to announce that having taken the Channel Swimming Association (CSA) to Court for unpaid wages, Dr Julie Bradshaw was successful at Blackpool County Court in September 2018. The CSA were represented by their barrister and on the day by their President, Michael Read MBE.
Julie Bradshaw had worked as the Secretary of CSA for 10 years. She resigned from her position as both Secretary and Director in November 2016. She was however, invited to return as a Director of the Channel Swimming Association, but turned it down.
Click on the link for the letter from Michael Read MBE President CSA Invite Julie Bradshaw MBE back on Board as Director 8th Nov 2016 2
Click here for the link to the Bradshaw v CSA Order Judge Woosnam Sept 2018 in favour of Dr Julie Bradshaw