Cheque Presentation for Rainbows Children’s Hospice November 2014

After her record breaking International 10 Way Windermere Relay swim in August 2014, Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE came in to present a cheque to Rainbows for £5543 although the final total she and her team have raised from the swim came to £6189.74
Of the swim, Julie said she was delighted yet again to have raised so much for the charity, a charity she has been supporting through her swimming work for well over a decade.
“The team were fantastic and without all friends and supporters these events would never happen. As always thanks to MG Hair and Sherwood House Dental Practice for helping put my charity boxes in their places of work and a special mention to 3i,a company of one of the swimmers who made a substantial donation to the Windermere Relay”
So what’s next? For now Dr. Bradshaw is keeping fit out of the water as well as in. Julie is very excited that as part of her business (Get Set 4 Swimming) she is launching her new Swim School in Leicestershire in January 2015 for both children and adults. Julie is delighted to announce that part of the proceeds from the swim school will be going to her favourite charity, Rainbows Children’s Hospice.
For more details and to enrol NOW, contact Julie at Get Set 4 Swimming Swim School
Use the Echo article and certificate on this part of blog page but my own photo of me and Katie on the front part of it