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Dog Safe Area – BBC Radio Leicester & East Midlands TV 2018

31st May 2018 | Tags:

Local councillor Julie Bradshaw has recently handed in a petition on behalf of the residents on Loughborough Ashby Ward, calling for a dog safe area.   Across the Borough of Charnwood many open spaces have bans on dogs running freely....

Mind Sonar™

13th January 2018 | Tags:

Finally, a profile tool that can be used without putting people into boxes! Mind Sonar™ is a unique psychological tool that helps clients worldwide. It is unique as it is the only tool that measures people in a specific context...

Ambassador for Retired Greyhounds Trust

12th June 2017 | Tags:

It has just been announced that Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE is to become an Ambassador for the Retired Greyhounds Trust (RGT). The phone call from RGT came out of the blue only a couple of days ago. Having recently lost...

Skate Park Revamp Proving A Success

28th September 2016 | Tags:

A £125,000 revamp of Shortcliffe Park in Loughborough is already proving a huge success. The area now boasts a skate park and ball court, with footpaths and seats also being added to the park off Old Ashby Road. Back in...

Water Contamination in Lancashire – Open Water Swimming?

10th August 2015 | Tags:

A parasite called Cryptosporidium has been found in water supplies in Lancashire and people are having to boil water before they can even drink it. United Utilities, are responsible for water supply in the affected areas of Blackpool, Chorley, Fylde,...

Mark’s English Channel Qualifying Swim at Windermere

13th July 2015 | Tags:

Australian Mark Sowerby has been coming over to the UK to receive coaching from Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE for his planned English Channel Swim next month. He is raising money for Children’s Charity, Starlight for whom he is hoping to...

Dr. Julie Bradshaw Re -Elected as Councillor in Loughborough

16th May 2015 | Tags:

Whilst the national results heavily influenced election results in local areas, Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE, emerged victorious yet again much to her relief as a Councillor for Charnwood Borough Council Together with former councillor Mary Draycott MBE, they had worked...

GARENDON PARK – Julie appears in MORE magazine November 2014

26th November 2014 | Tags: ,

World record swimmer, Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE is featured in this month’s MORE magazine in the Leicester Mercury. When asked where her favourite place is Julie chose Garendon Park, a place of natural beauty, with wildlife and of course, water!...